Supporting You In Living Your Best Life!


Providing Comprehensive Support Solutions for Mesa County

An important part of living a fulfilling life is feeling as if you’re part of something larger. Our approach is to create safe, active and healthy environments that are rich in community interaction and family involvement. We are committed to providing opportunities for our individuals to thrive - to make friends, to find meaningful employment, for leisure activities and for fun! We offer services to enhance the overall independence of individuals while maintaining the structure necessary to promote safety and well-being.

We aim to continuously provide custom‑support services to individuals with disabilities regarding their residential, employment, and community needs.

Services We Offer

Ohana Supportive Services offers an array of services to support you in and out of the home which include:

Here is a list of the services we currently provide:

  • Residential Services

  • Supported Employment

  • Community Connection

  • Non-Medical Transportation

Lets Talk

Our ultimate goal is to improve the quality of life for the individuals we serve. We strive to empower each individual in determining the direction of their own life and we welcome the opportunity to visit with you. Contact us today!